Herbal Medicine

The origins of Chinese herbal medicine date back over 5000 years to the time of the legendary emperor Sheng Nong. Following individual diagnosis herbs are prescribed as formulas rather than an individual herb.

The formulas which are groups of herbs work synergistically to bring about balance to the individuals state of ill health.

Herbal medicine can be used as an alternative to acupuncture or in conjunction with it to maximize the effects of treatment and harmonising the flow of chi (life energy)

Herbal medicine is highly regulated to ensure environmental and ethical issues are adhered to. We use powdered herbs that are easy for the patient to prepare and take. All our practitioners are fully qualified and insured to practice.

Treatments utilise traditional herbal formulas with no animal products whatsoever and follow full ethical practices. Diagnosis include pulse and tongue diagnosis.

We also offer the use of modern conventional methods (standalone or in combination) such as blood testing for allergies, food-intolerance, hormonal imbalances; Nutritional supplements and the use of Non-Thermal (Cold) Low-Light Laser Therapy using state-of-the-art, FDA approved devices for highly effective pain management-